Friday 25 December 2009

Life through a lens + Art Project - Foody Friday, Christmas Dinner!

It has to be done. Of course you'll have to wait for photos... if I get the chance to take any.

This year we're having chicken (turkey prices were stupid and for the same price and less than half the cost we got a chicken).

Obviously cooking times will vary depending on the size of your turkey/chicken but you can prepare this the same way for either bird.

Wash and if necessary de-pluck any remaining feathers. Pat dry the top of the carcass with some kitchen towel to remove all water.

In a bowl mix some butter, some chopped herbs (I prefer curly parsley, sage and chives) and some seasoning (I use chicken seasoning you buy from the supermarket), the measurements again alter depending on the size of your bird, you want enough to be able to stuff under the whole of the skin.

Once mixed together carefully using a spoon push the mixture under the skin of the bird, you may beforehand need to carefully go through with your hands and make room, be careful not to rip the skin. You can carefully from the top push the mixture to the back of the chicken if it helps. Basically you want to end up with the mixture nicely under the skin on the top and round the legs.

After this is done (and you've gotten someone to kindly put the tap on so you can wash and soap your hands) cut in half one small onion and one lemon and place one half of each inside the carcass. Next had two squashed garlic gloves.

Sprinkle some seasoning (again I use chicken seasoning but paprika works great as well) over the outside of the carcass and rub into the outside of the skin (carefully). Once the carcass has a nice even seasoning colour to it pour over the cooking oil you will be using (goose fat, olive oil, or even fry light are great). Then add so little dollops of butter on to the top.

Put in oven and cook.

With my bird I like to add my potatoes and if we've doing chipolatas wrapped in bacon those too. With my potatoes I par boil them, add them to the roasting tin, sprinkle chicken seasoning over and then olive oil. I then use the juices from the bird to baste the whole meal and try to do it every 20-30 minutes. Oh and I never use foil, if you're careful with the basting you don't really need it.

Hope that all made sense and fingers crossed I can get a photo.

Happy Christmas, did you all get loads of lovely presents?

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