Sunday 22 November 2009

Life through a lens - Family

Sometimes a totally awful photo can sum up so much. This was taken yesterday. Callum wanted one of the scalectrix tracks out and it seemed unfair to keep the dog cooped up in the kitchen while we all had fun. This is what Dash made of Scalectrix. lol.

Today we had my in laws pay us a visit. I'm one of the lucky ones that has fantastic in laws, I love them like my own parents. Again the scalectrix came out but this time no dog, we set up a much bigger track and it would have been just too much chaos.

Callum however managed to find a novel way to play:

And yesterday marked 25 weeks pregnant. As you can tell Bumpy is getting bigger and with that the kicks stronger, it's been nice to occasionally share those kicks with Daz and Callum although Bumpy is a bit stubborn and only seems to like to kick for me. This photo was taken today by hubby, he hates using a camera and especially my Canon DSLR so not too bad a photo I think especially as it was the first (and only) one he took.

So even though not technically correct and perfect photos to me they are perfect. They sum up family life in the White House and how important family ... and fun are.