Friday 20 November 2009

Art Projects - A mixed bag of funness

Some of the art projects I've blogged about are easy ones that I've just done at home without having to do any Internet research on and others I've blogged about I've Internet searched on for full recipes, ideas etc.

Bear in mind when I do do a search the criteria I put in is art projects, home, kids so sometimes I'm amazed at the craziness of some of the art projects I've come across. Here are links to some of them.

Watch out!!! Flying Eggs! Science Kids at home has lots of fun experiments you can do at home, some easy and safe others a bit more crazy but they all have an educational aspect to them. The flying eggs experiment IMO falls into "So many things could go wrong" group but I so want to try it out. Chemistry has many wonderful and interesting experiments but the one that grabs my attention most for craziness is the Burning Money Magic Trick bear in mind with this link I found it while searching for art projects to do at home with a kid. Fire and Kids? Hmmm... Hubby told me to make sure I never ever ever ever let Callum see that video clip.

While this one sounds cool I can envision if Callum and I do it many things going wrong. Still it's tempting to try out. Also have a look around the site in the link there are some cool fun experiments. Homemade Clouds in a Bottle.

So what crazy fun home activities to do with kids have you come across. I would love to hear.

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