Wednesday 25 November 2009

Art Project - Winter Wonderland Wednesday

I have fond memories as a child of making Christmas decorations and the pride I felt when each year (well if they survived) those decorations being put on the Christmas tree. I even remember when I moved into my first owned place my Mum handing me over some of those precious things that I'd made those many moons ago. With just over four weeks to go until Christmas I thought I'd make Wednesday's posts about Christmas decorations that are easy and fun to make. Wednesdays will now be called Winter Wonderland Wednesday.

This week I thought we could do Paper Chains.

Paper Link Chains

You will need:

  • Various colours and textures of paper cut into strips, about 1 inch by 6 inches is a good size
  • Glue
  • Glitter, decorative pieces
If you are using glitter or decorative pieces it is best to glue these onto the strips of paper before you comence making the hoops/links. Also This works better if you have a variety of colour and texture of paper. Choose one strip and glue one end of it, loop the piece to make a ring. Next grab another different colour or textured strip of paper. Insert this through the first hoop you have made, glue one end and make that into a hoop to make a second link (just like you did in the first hoop). Continue doing this until you have a link chain of your desired length. When dried out the chain can either be drapped around your christmas tree or hung from walls and doors.


  1. snif! no picture!
    But I know what this is about... :)

  2. Awww, I'll try my best to add a picture once we get some made. At the moment all our decs are up in the loft.
