Saturday 23 January 2010

Life through a lens - Showcase Saturday, Waiting For Daddy

Callum waiting and watching for Daddy to come home.

Daz has never liked the last shot but it's just typical of Callum, even though he can see through the net curtain he has to lift it up and look through it.


  1. Glad I read the explanation it looked initially like he was in the "naughty" corner.

  2. That last pic is totally Callum!

  3. BLOGitse - A bit late in replying but happy Saturday back atcha. Hope you had a great one.

    fegrig - LOL We have the naughty step although which step all depends on the mood Callum's in.

    Matt - He can just never look through the net curtain he always has to lift it up. Which reminds me that I need to give it a good wash, between the boy and the dog they get filthy.

    Thanks for the visits and comments everyone, sorry it's taking me so long to come visit your blogs, post comments and replies here, things are a bit crazy at the moment I currently have an ill Callum at home. x
