Thursday 7 January 2010

Art Project - Thumbprints Thursday, Lion

I'd really like to apologise for all those kind enough to have visited and left comments for not having replied sooner but more importantly not having been round to visit your blogs. The last week I've been fighting a rotten stomach bug which under normal circumstances isn't nice let alone when you're seven months pregnant, plus having to starve yourself for 24 hours when you have a bump who sulks when it doesn't get food = not very comfortable. lol. Fingers crossed though I'm feeling better now and slowly building up my energy and I'm slowly making my way around your blogs. Thank you.


  1. Hope you will be feeling better soon Sarah!

  2. Thank you both. Although a little tired today I feel much better. And I've just been trying to catch up on your blogs, wonderful as always to see your photos. Thanks for the kind well wishes and visits.

    Sarah. xx
